Schlaf Test

Tips Based on the Results of the Schlaf Test

  1. How many hours of sleep do you typically get per night?

    a) Less than 6 hours
    b) 6-7 hours
    c) 7-8 hours
    d) More than 8 hours
  2. Do you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep?

    a) Yes, I have trouble falling asleep
    b) Yes, I have trouble staying asleep
    c) Yes, I have trouble with both
    d) No, I do not have trouble sleeping
  3. Do you snore loudly or gasp for air during sleep?

    a) Yes, I snore loudly
    b) Yes, I gasp for air during sleep
    c) Yes, I do both
    d) No, I do not snore or gasp for air
  4. Do you feel refreshed and energized when you wake up in the morning?

    a) Yes, I feel refreshed and energized
    b) No, I feel tired and groggy
    c) It varies from day to day
    d) I am not sure
  5. Do you often feel sleepy or doze off during the day?

    a) Yes, I often feel sleepy or doze off during the day
    b) No, I do not feel sleepy or doze off during the day
    c) Sometimes, depending on the day or circumstances
    d) I am not sure
  6. Have you been diagnosed with a sleep disorder, such as sleep apnea, insomnia, or restless leg syndrome?

    a) Yes, I have been diagnosed with a sleep disorder
    b) No, I have not been diagnosed with a sleep disorder
    c) I am not sure
    d) Not applicable
  7. How long has it been since you had a comprehensive sleep evaluation?

    a) Within the past year
    b) Within the past 2-3 years
    c) Within the past 5 years
    d) I have never had a comprehensive sleep evaluation