a) Underweight b) Normal weight c) Overweight d) Obese
Do you have difficulty losing weight even when you try?
a) Yes, I have difficulty losing weight b) No, I do not have difficulty losing weight c) It varies d) Not applicable
Do you often feel fatigued or lacking in energy?
a) Yes, I often feel fatigued or lacking in energy b) No, I do not often feel fatigued or lacking in energy c) Sometimes, depending on the day or circumstances d) Not applicable
How often do you exercise each week?
a) Less than 1 hour b) 1-2 hours c) 2-3 hours d) More than 3 hours
How would you describe your diet?
a) Mostly processed and unhealthy foods b) Balanced with a mix of healthy and unhealthy foods c) Mostly whole, healthy foods d) I am not sure
Have you been diagnosed with any metabolic disorders, such as diabetes or hypothyroidism?
a) Yes, I have been diagnosed with a metabolic disorder b) No, I have not been diagnosed with a metabolic disorder c) I am not sure d) Not applicable
How would you describe your digestion?
a) I often experience bloating, constipation, or diarrhea b) My digestion is generally normal c) I experience occasional digestive issues d) I am not sure